Housing Development Finance Corp Limited

Update :

28 May 2021 - Day 2
Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (Rs.2567.55)

This stock was recommended on 27/05/2021 at price of Rs.2567.55. Stop loss was placed at Rs.2540. This stop loss was hit yesterday. Hence no update of the Tip is given.

Stock Tip :

27 May 2021 - Day 1
Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (Rs.2567.55)
NSE Symbol : HDFC

Current Trend : Uptrend to Flat with positive bias

Brief background : This stock has been consolidating at Rs.2420 level between 5th April to 6th May 2021. From here, an upmove formed. Since then for the first time, this stock tested the price level of Rs.2575 - Rs.2585. Bulls appear to be in full control of the stock.

Supports : Supports exist at price levels of Rs.2510 / 2490 / 2470

Targets : Rs.2635 / 2662 / 2690 / 2725 in the next 5 to 7 trading days.

Stop Loss : Rs.2540

Exit Point : Rs.2470

Note : Exit point is the place where the stock is going to reverse the current upmove. Hence, holding of long positions based on the above stock tip below this point may result in considerable losses.